Sunday, February 11, 2007

Character Development

So I'm in a show right now, that's commedia dell'arte, and a bunch of us in the cast were all feeling the same frustrations yesterday at rehearsal, so we all talked about it with our director for a few minutes. In this show, we're all very physical, but in different ways than normal, so it is difficult to learn how to do. But for like the first week and a half of rehearsals, that's all we did: studied and practiced the physical aspects of the characters. This this last week, we started rehearsing from the script and actually talking and stuff. Well, it's all improv, and so it has been really hard, because we all kind of lost or physical abilities, because we were concentrating so much on talking and the story line. So now it's trying to balance out everything and improve everything, and it's really hard and frustrating. And tiring.
So that got me thinking about life in general. We've so many different aspects to our lives and it's frustrating at times trying to balance out everything. But if we work hard at it and keep trying, the pay off and final moments will be amazing and so impressive because of who we have become. Anyhow, thoughts of Kiwi...

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