So it's so difficult to believe I've only been here a week... It goes by so slow, and yet goes by so quick at the same time. I can't believe the week is gone already... But oh man it's been a blast. So, you're all going to laugh: but for a day, I was House. I had a cane! I know. I was laughing. I did something to my foot, though I'm not sure what, and when we were out on a day trip it was so hard to walk on my foot so one of my professors gave me a cane to walk with. I have a new understanding and love for House. The foot has gotten progressively worse, but now I'm on a huge medication diet, so hopefully it gets better in the next day or two, or else I'm being threatened to be taken to see a doctor. Nooo!!!!! So we'll see.
But guess what I learned this week in class!? House is a parody of Sherlock Holmes! Can you believe it???? I couldn't! But I was so excited! I love learning about that stuff! So Sherlock was brilliant and solved cases no one else could. He had his addiction, and was a jerk to everyone. And he had his little sidekick who helped him solve the cases. And House, Holmes... get it???? I thought that was the coolest thing ever.
Anyway... on Monday I went to the Natural History Museum for a little while. That place is so cool! It's massive and when you walk in you feel like you've just stepped into Hogwarts. So cool. But oh man, they had this section on human biology. Good times... There was this one area that showed a fetus, and it was HUGE! You can see the picture of it, and it looked kinda of freaky in person. It actually looked like a pod-person or something and I totally thought of Roswell... Also, something else we saw made us all crack up. So I was with a couple people, one named Hilary and another named Janna. We walk up to this 3-D picture entitled "Sexual Intercourse." Hilary says, "I don't understand why it's called "Sexual Intercourse," and Janna says, "Look at it." There's a pause, and Hilary says, "Ohhh..." It was hilarious! Honestly, I learned more about sexual intercourse from that picture than I think I've ever known... it was showing the biology, but was also a bit graphic. I understand now... :) But it was educational! The whole place is really cool. It's totally free, so we're going to go back a number of times and explore different areas each time so we can spend more time in each area.
On Tuesday night I went and saw Les Miserables. I've never seen it before. Oh my gosh: it was amazing!!!! I love that musical! And the entire cast was incredialy. And the little boy was so cute and was so good. I cried when he died. But I could barely talk after the show I was so impressed.
Wednesday was a group trip to Cambridge and St. Albans. We took a coach to St. Albans and saw some Roman ruins and went through the museum there. There's also a cathedral there we went through. It was a really cool area, except for the freezing weather! And my feet killing me. Then we continued on to Cambridge. We were given free rein and just walked around for a couple hours. That place is so cool looking. The buildings are great and it's like this little town. At the end of the day we went into King's Chapel for Evensong, which is basically a church service. It was very interesting and I enjoyed it. I lik to be exposed to different things like that. Oh and in between St. Albans and Cambridge we visited an American cemetary from WWII. There's like 3000 graves there, and 5000 names on a wall of men and women who were never found. But I liked what our guide said. He said that in death everyone is equal, so all the graves are random. It's not done by alphabetical order, rank, age, race, anything. Everyone there is equal and deserves equal praise for what they did. There's also a really neet chapel there. The day was long but very fun.
I got my new camera in the mail! It's so great and I love it! The pictures it takes are so good! But after it came in the mail I found out I had to get a new memory card because mine didn't fit. I wasn't excited about that because I know how expensive they are. But when I went out, I found a 2GB one for 5 pounds!!!!!! I couldn't believe it! So for like $7 I can get like 800 pictures on my memory card! The happiness was overwhelming. :)
This morning we all went to Westminster Abbey. That place is so incrediable. I had no idea it was that big. And an interesting thing about cathedrals I learned in class before we went: all cathedrals are build in the shape of the cross. And it's true! But Westminster is so big and beautiful and has so many important people buried there. It was quite amazing to see. And I loved the Poet's Corner. And Lawrence Olivier is buried there! I had no idea. Later some of us went walking along the Thames, and there were some like street performers out. There was this one guy who is painted silver and is dressed in silver and acts like a statue. And when you place money in his box he moves as a thank you. But that's the only time. It was really cool to see. And when walking around we found this cute little candy shop. It was so cool! And there was a cute boy as the cashier who we thought was like 17, and found out later is actually 23! We're definitely going back... :)
Sorry these last two blogs have been so long. I'll try and write more often so they're smaller and not quite so boring. :)
Until next time!
I said it once, I'll say it again, go to the doctor!
But in all seriuosness, way to really make my life awkward by including the words 'sexual intercourse' not only in this blog but on my facebook wall. You're a real pal.
Haha. I do what I can. I thought you'd really love it. I can go back and take a picture for you if you want... :) You think that would be awkward?
Don't worry, I might go to the doctor today or tomorrow. MIGHT being the operative word...
hey look at that? I remembered my password.
So baby sis---has your leg gotten any better??If it doesn't you really should see someone. I'm a nurse--I should know :)
Oh that sexual intercourse things sound fun---I should see it (stop the laughing other siblings--I know it doesn't surprise you I want to see that)
Anyway--I hope you are having a blast. I was informed by someone at work that I have to go to herrods and pick her up something, so find out where that is.
We miss you!!!
Don't worry, Herrods is everyone. I think almost everyone in the group has gone at one point or another. I haven't, but I'm sure I will before you get here. So never fear!
The foot is getting better, but still not completely unfortunately. I didn't go to the doctor, but have just been taking a lot of ibprofen. It seems to work, I just keep walking on it a lot so it's taking a lot of time to heal. My fault... I can't wait for you to get here!!!
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